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Fava or faba beans can be used in gluten-free baking, and as a source of protein.
The popularity of of high fiber products is a great reason to add dietary fiber to your baked goods. Did you know that cellulose is a source of fiber? At just 2%, you can make a fiber claim, without any undesirable flavor or tastes. It does especially well in low-calorie and gluten-free products.

How does it work in baked goods?

Cellulose fiber isn’t water-soluble, so blend it in together with your dry ingredients before adding the liquids in. It does affect the dough rheology in bread products, which assists with texturizing and gel formation, stabilizing crumb structure and volume build up.

What are sources of cellulose fiber?

The most common ones are grains such wheat, rice, oats and rye. However, there are other sources that pack a dietary fiber punch:

  • Apple pomace
  • Orange peel and pulp
  • Pineapple core
  • Cauliflower
  • Cocoa hulls
  • Field peas hulls

These alternative sources can provide an innovative way to increase fiber in a variety of products and add unique tastes and textures.

Cellulose is composed of an unbranched linear chain of thousands of glucose units. So, it can be produced in various micron lengths depending on the application and property desired. Cellulose fiber is insoluble in concentrated alkali and is resistant to acid hydrolysis.

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