Shared knowledge. Always Available.

Who can you go to for help with your flour challenges? Dr. Gary Hou from the Wheat Marketing Center in Portland, provides the flour quality support that you need. Besides running farinograph, moisture, ash and protein analysis, flour expert Dr. Hou also consults on implementing flour quality programs and product development for bakeries.

We’re joined by Julio, a commercial baker seeking a solution for his flour quality issues. Why can’t your miller promise a consistent protein quality? What do you need to get from your miller? Do you need an in-house flour quality program? What do you need to clearly communicate with your flour miller before implementing an in-house flour program? Why does strong flour make Kaiser cuts disappear?

These questions were answered in the podcast. To help bakers like Julio, Dr. Hou and Dr. Carson will teach you how to monitor your flour quality and implement an in-house flour quality program.

Do you have bakery problems that you would like Dr. Hou and Dr. Carson to solve on-air? Contact us to be a guest on our show.

Gary Wou
Dr. Gary Hou

Shared knowledge. Always Available.

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