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Baking with oat hull fiber.

Oats may be popular for their milk at the moment. So why should you bake with oat hull fiber? There’s more than one reason! One is that it can add some key functionality to your formula. It also has excellent adhesive, absorbent and textural qualities. However, it’s also works as an excellent solution for fat reduction.

Some of the functional benefits:

  • Improve shelf life
  • Retain more moisture
  • Replace gums and carrageenan
  • Reduce breakage in cereals, chips, snacks, etc.

Another reason is for your label

It’s rich in dietary fiber. Oats have very high fiber content (85-90%) and the hull is 86% dietary fiber. Plus, it can be gluten-free, organic or 100% natural, depending on your supplier. So it’s a great ingredient for healthy, clean-label products!

How much should you use?

For best results, use between 3-5% flour weight. The amount will depend on what products you’re making. Also keep in mind, oat hull fiber will absorb water and lipids. This can help improve cake crumb softness.

Oat fiber and fat replacement 

The lower fat and lower calorie diet trend is going strong, with  53.5 % of US consumers considering the low-fat diet the healthiest. Of those consumers, 21.9% associate a medium low-fat diet as the healthiest alternative. So what’s a healthy, viable solution for bakers? Oat hull fiber can reduce the fat content in baked goods, without a loss in quality. In fact, it is a highly functional ingredient within food systems.
Learn more about the healthy and functional benefits of oat hull fiber in our technical paper here!

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