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BAKED in Science EP70: Add Protein, Hold the Gluten  BAKED in Science EP70: Add Protein, Hold the Gluten

Sponsored by Enzyme Innovation.

Developing products for the healthy food market has become so much more than adjusting fat or sugar levels. The rising demand for high protein, high fiber, plant-based, egg-free, or gluten-free baked goods is causing bakers to rethink whole formulas and find new functional, nutritional ingredients.

A Master Baker and innovative developer, Chadwick White is no stranger to this space. Initially an artisan bread baker and pastry chef, he began developing gluten-free products at the very start of the trend. In 2008, Chadwick partnered with Udi and Etail Baron to develop Udi’s Healthy Foods and successfully built Udi’s Gluten-Free. Going on to help brands improve their gluten-free products, his latest venture is Nepra Foods—a transformative company founded in allergen-free and plant-based food and ingredient solutions.

Baking for top trends

In this episode, BAKED in Science host Mark Floerke chats with Chadwick about how to improve functionality and nutrition for a number of health-related trends. One versatile ingredient that fits into many niches is hemp. At Nerpa Foods, they’ve found uses for it in gluten-free, egg-free, keto and more!

Mark and Chadwick go over:

  • Trends in developing new products
  • Keeping nutritional values high
  • Egg functionality in gluten-free products
  • Hemp flour, oil and blends
  • Quality control for gluten-free products
  • Developing high protein and keto baked goods

This podcast is brought to you by Enzyme Innovation. PlantSEB Protein™ is Enzyme Innovation’s neutral-tasting, odorless, vegan protein. Derived from mung beans, it boasts a robust amino acid profile for fortification of your baked goods. To learn more, call (909) 203-4620, or visit

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