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BAKED in Science EP63: Baking Industry Update and Top Trends Pt. 2  BAKED in Science EP63: Baking Industry Update and Top Trends Pt. 2

There’s no shortage of new ideas and markets popping up in the food and baking industry. The question is, which ones will still be thriving in the years to come?

To give a fresh and informed perspective on the industry, your BAKED in Science host Mark Floerke brings on guest Jerry Smiley. No stranger to the food industry, Jerry’s career includes brands such as Quaker Oats, Heinz, Sara Lee and Technomic. In 2000, he founded Strategic Growth Partners, Inc., a management-consulting firm dedicated to the food industry. His consultancy work has allowed him to partner with food service, commercial, and in-store bakeries, as well as leading ingredient and finished goods companies around the world.

Connect with Jerry Smiley

Important Trends in Baking and Food for 2022

In this conversation, Jerry and Mark start off talking about sustainability and how to be in the innovative mindset for the baking and food industry. They also discuss what’s an emerging trend or just a passing fad when it comes to:

Want to stay up on the latest trends in food? Join our Baking Industry Professionals Facebook group to ask questions, get updates, and discuss with industry experts!

Listen to part 1 of the conversation with Jerry Smiley here.

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