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BAKED in Science EP60: A Marketing Strategy Success Story  BAKED in Science EP60: A Marketing Strategy Success Story

With all the changes to the baking industry over the last two years, how companies interacted with customers was a big one. Trade shows, face-to-face demonstrations, and lab visits were uncertainties or simply impossible. Here is how one ingredient supplier met these challenges head on.

Your BAKED in Science host Mark Floerke invites Anne Hoest Stenbaek from Arla Foods Ingredients. With over 20 years of international marketing communication experience with both BtC and BtB in the food value chain, she is now Head of Marketing at the whey-based ingredient supplier.

As the company heeded into 2021, they found the pandemic had completely disrupted their go-to marketing strategy. Even as tentative trade shows were scheduled, Arla Foods Ingredients decided to fully embrace online solutions by directing their marketing budget to create an in-house webinar platform and broadcasting studio.

A Successful Online Marketing Strategy

Anne shares with Mark about the strategy behind this move, and how it’s paid off even as some business returns to normal. The two discuss topics such as:

  • Demonstrating products and labs online
  • Connecting with customers
  • Digital solutions
  • Producing webinars
  • Marketing strategies

Learn more about Arla Food Ingredients’ whey and protein solutions for bakers:

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