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Since 2020, the baking industry has seen its fair share of changes, shake ups, and pivots due to the pandemic. Even now as the world makes its way to a new normal, the effects of the last year and half are still impacting bakers around the world.

In this BAKED in Science episode, your host Mark Floerke interviews 4 different stakeholders to see how different bakers and companies have survived and evolved from the pandemic.

Keith Foreneck at Lallemand Baking Solutions

With 34 years in the baking industry and several bread technology patents, Keith now works as a technical product manager with Lallemand Baking— a supplier of yeast, enzymes, and other ingredient solutions. Keith talks about the shipping disruptions and gluten shortages faced by the industry. However, he also shares about a cost-effective gluten replacer that offers multiple solutions.

Mark Tsemak at Red Square Bakery

For the last 31 years, Red Square Bakery has been selling authentic Russian foods to Canada and the US. With a large retail and warehouse space, their range included fresh, frozen and packaged foods. However, when the pandemic hit and restrictions came, Mark had to change retail and production operations. Out of that change, they discovered a market for prepackaged keto baking mixes. Mark chats about their success and how they filled a need for healthy food and resources.

Reimund Kurz at Baldinger Baker

A pastry chef and master baker with almost 40 years experience baking, Reimund is the Director of Product Development and Innovation at Baldinger Bakery these days. The last two years have brought about changes and opportunities for the way R&D work is conducted. He shares about ingredient substitutions and shortages, as well adjusting to virtual business.

Richard Bontempo at Gold Coast Ingredients

A bakery consultant and flavor expert, Richard has spent many years working in the baking industry. Based on the East Coast, he talks about the challenges with supply and shipping delays in the US. Mark has some tips for staying prepared and observations on staffing issues.

How has your business been evolving and surviving the last few years? Let us know in our Baking Industry Professional Facebook group!

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