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If you live in the U.S., or anywhere else that’s not the U.K. you may not be very familiar with the Chorleywood baking process for bread. And no, it’s not just another name for no-time dough. It is a whole other process, that has some very intriguing points and uses.

To get a birds-eye view of the process, I bring Michael Addams onto today’s show. He is the Bakery Science Manager at Campden BRI, a membership-based organization that works with the global baking industry to help problem solve with ingredients and products, answering the questions behind the science of baking.

Based in the U.K., the organization is very familiar with the Chorleywood baking process. This dough-making method originated in England after WWII, as bakers needed to find a way to utilize their home-grown soft wheat.

So what is the Chorleywood process?

Michael explains the key components of this quick-time dough that relies on the mechanical development of gluten. The dough is mixed not to a certain time, but to a certain energy input. A few things we discuss are:

  • Why is flour type so important to this process?
  • Why does it rely on a special type of mixer?
  • Do dough conditioners need to be used?
  • What all kinds of bread can you make with it?
  • What are some new advancements?

While this method of baking may not be used much around the world, it does offer some interesting points of discussion and insight science behind dough and mixing. So get ready to learn something new!

Shared knowledge. Always Available.

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