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Add nutrition and fiber to baked goods with resistant starch.
Also known as enzyme-resistant starch, resistant starch is the part of starch that resists digestion (hence the name). But it’s also classified as a dietary fiber that comes with a whole list of health benefits.

Nutritional benefits include:

  • Improved glycemic index
  • Controlled insulin responses
  • Gut health
  • Reduced blood glucose spikes after a meal

What are sources of resistant starch?

  • Wheat starch
  • Oats
  • Raw potato starch
  • Legumes
  • Green bananas
  • High-maize flour
  • Retrograded starches

How about baking with it?

Resistant starch has a low water holding capacity. The good new is, this helps with crispness and expansion in baked goods. However, it can have a negative affect on crumb color and appearance. So, try adding transglutaminase, glucose oxidase or xylanase to improve the water holding capacity of the dough.

Also, be aware that there are 5 classifications of this starch. Bakery products are typically formulated with RS II and RS III types:

  • RS II: includes native RS such as  high-amylose maize or raw banana starch. After cooking, most of these starches may become highly digestible due to gelatinization.
  • RS III: retrograded starches produced during food processing and manufacturing. Examples include cooked and cooled potatoes, stale bread and high amylose corn starch.

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