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Chances are you already know, but keto is the fast-growing weight loss dietary trend at the moment, forecasted to reach revenues of 14.75 billion USD by 2027! Consumers are on the hunt for low-carb, nutritional-packed baked goods, meaning there is a growing space for bakers to innovate with keto products. If you want to learn how to innovate in this space, be sure to catch my IBIEducate session with Lena Bosc-Bierne from CHOPIN Technologies on “How Novel Ingredient and Instrumentation Technology for the Keto Trend Will Lead the Way for AI in the Baking Industry” on September 20th at IBIE 2022!

For bakers and food manufacturers, producing a keto-friendly product can sometimes be challenging. A standard method to produce low-carb bread is to completely remove wheat flour. Most wheat flour replacements and ingredients utilized in keto baked goods come from gluten-free sources. Unfortunately, these can present issues such as lower loaf volume, gummy mouthfeel, tunneling, and more.

As the ingredient technology for the keto bakery trends advances, so do the bakery tools and technology used to measure the goods produced for this trend. For example, some current types of technology can characterize keto flour and predict the performance of keto bread. On a formulation level, this can allow bakers to adjust water absorption and manage quality issues when producing keto bread. Sound interesting? Then, join me and Lena Bosc-Bierne for this full talk at IBIEducate to discover how bakers can use technology and data to improve keto formulations. Register here:

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