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What’s a new frontier for the baking industry? Cannabis edibles. Legislation at the state and federal level is opening doors for a new market. And while there are a fair share of hurdles and unsteadiness, there is plenty of room for profits and growth.

Thinking of throwing your hat into the game? Here are some questions and answers that may help you get started.

One of the difficult things about the cannabis edibles industry is a lack of information that would normally be common place for a sector of food and bakery. Doug Peckenpaugh, a Group Director at BNP Media, stops by to share what his group has been finding. They provide business and product development intelligence for every aspect of the food and beverage industry.

Lately, they have been digging into the cannabis industry and have noticed a great lack of information providing guidance, especially in areas of quality control, product development, and safety. Research about cannabis’ baking applications is also in short supply.

Doug shares ways bakers can be prepared, key places to start, some resources, and what legislation to keep an eye on. He also discusses the difference between THC and CBD—a key distinction for end products.

Later, Dr. Lin is also joined by Daniel Stoops, co-founder of Danodan Grassworks. His company manufactures a number of THC and CBD products. As someone who’s been involved in the industry for a number of years, Dan offers an important perspective on cannabis, public opinion, and what it takes to get going in the game. We discuss:

  • The safety of cannabis
  • Why it gets such a bad rap
  • Benefits
  • Baking with it
  • And the biggest challenges and rewards

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