Shared knowledge. Always Available.
Lin Carson eat bread 90
After eating a loaf of bread a day for 90 days last year, for my Eat Bread 90 project, you may have thought I’d had my fill of bread for a long, long time.


I’m ready to up the ante: Starting April 2nd, I’ll be eating half a pound of bread a day, with a goal of losing 10 pounds!

Why the focus on weight loss this time?

Even if products like sprouted grain bread or whole grain bread are being recognized for their nutrition, people are still cutting carbs when focusing on weight loss. Paleo, Keto, and gluten-free are major trends right now, all focused around the idea carbs are the key to shedding those extra pounds.

However, the carbs found in whole grains are actually an important part of diet. And lipid catabolism is a highly effective weight loss technique that relies on carbs. My goal this time for Eat Bread 90 is to show that along with healthy eating, portion control and exercise, you can still enjoy bread!

Eat Bread 90 Round II

So this time, I’m setting out to further separate the wheat from the chaff and exonerate bread of all exaggerated claims of weight gain.

Follow me on my weight-loss journey at as I document tasty loaves, dive into grain facts, and make more bread puns than you’ll know what to do with – because you know, they never get stale!

Shared knowledge. Always Available.

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