Shared knowledge. Always Available.

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90 days ago, I started with a loaf a day, at 149 pounds. And here at the end, not a single pound gained! I’d call that a successful challenge! It’s been quite a ride, with delicious bread eaten, inspiring ideas shared and hopefully some minds changed about bread’s role in your diet.

Here are some of my highlights:

Last but not least

A great big round of applause for all the bakeries that shared their bread with me over the last three months! Thank you for your support, generosity, innovation, and of course, wonderful bread! You made it a truly enjoyable challenge. Many thanks to:

20 Shekels

Alvarado St. Bakery

Ancient Brands Grain

Bagels on Bartow

Bob’s Red Mill

Canyon Bakehouse

Colombia County Bread & Granola

Dave’s Killer Bread

Eat the Ball

Franz Bakery

Grand Central Baking Company

Holista Foods 

House of Maya

Jenny Lee

Jim Little

Klostermans Organic Bakery

Orlando Baking Co.


Pain Paillasse

Pearl Bakery


Rotella’s Italian Bakery

Sara Lee


Smart Flour Foods

The King’s Kitchen

Shared knowledge. Always Available.

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